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Python: Iterate over a data frame column, check for a condition-value stored in array, and get the values to a list

After some help in the forum I managed to do what I was looking for and now I need to get to the next level. ( the long explanation is here: Python Data Frame: cumulative sum of column until condition is reached and return the index ):

I have a data frame:

In [3]: df
   index  Num_Albums  Num_authors
0      0          10            4
1      1           1            5
2      2           4            4
3      3           7         1000
4      4           1           44
5      5           3            8

I add a column with the cumulative sum of another column.

In [4]: df['cumsum'] = df['Num_Albums'].cumsum()

In [5]: df
   index  Num_Albums  Num_authors  cumsum
0      0          10            4      10
1      1           1            5      11
2      2           4            4      15
3      3           7         1000      22
4      4           1           44      23
5      5           3            8      26

Then I apply a condition to the cumsum column and I extract the corresponding values of the row where the condition is met with a given tolerance:

In [18]: tol = 2

In [19]: cond = df.where((df['cumsum']>=15-tol)&(df['cumsum']<=15+tol)).dropna()

In [20]: cond
   index  Num_Albums  Num_authors  cumsum
2    2.0         4.0          4.0    15.0

Now, what I want to do is to substitute to the condition 15 in the example, the conditions stored in an array. Check when the condition is met and retrieve not the entire row, but only the value of the column Num_Albums . Finally, all these retrieved values (one per condition) are stored in an array or list. Coming from matlab, I would do something like this (I apologize for this mixed matlab/python syntax):

conditions = np.array([10, 15, 23])
for i=0:len(conditions)
   retrieved_values(i) = df.where((df['cumsum']>=conditions(i)-tol)&(df['cumsum']<=conditions(i)+tol)).dropna()

So for the data frame above I would get (for tol=0 ):

retrieved_values = [10, 4, 1]

I would like a solution that lets me keep the .where function if possible..

well the output not always be 1 number right? in case the ouput is exact 1 number you can write this code

tol = 0
c = [5,15,25]
value = []

for i in c:
    if len(df.where((df['a'] >= i - tol) & (df['a'] <= i + tol)).dropna()['a']) > 0:
        value = value + [df.where((df['a'] >= i - tol) & (df['a'] <= i + tol)).dropna()['a'].values[0]]
        value = value + [[]]

the output should be like


in case the output can be multiple number and want to be like this

[[1.0, 5.0], [12.0, 15.0], [25.0]]

you can use this code

tol = 5
c = [5,15,25]
value = []

for i in c:
    getdatas = df.where((df['a'] >= i - tol) & (df['a'] <= i + tol)).dropna()['a'].values
    value.append([x for x in getdatas])

A quick way to do would be to leverage NumPy's broadcasting techniques as an extension of this answer from the same post linked, although an answer related to the use of DF.where was actually asked.

Broadcasting eliminates the need to iterate through every element of the array and it's highly efficient at the same time.

The only addition to this post is the use of np.argmax to grab the indices of the first True instance along each column (traversing ↓ direction).

conditions = np.array([10, 15, 23])
tol = 0
num_albums = df.Num_Albums.values
num_albums_cumsum = df.Num_Albums.cumsum().values
slices = np.argmax(np.isclose(num_albums_cumsum[:, None], conditions, atol=tol), axis=0)

Retrieved slices:

array([0, 2, 4], dtype=int64)

Corresponding array produced:

array([10,  4,  1], dtype=int64)

If you still prefer using DF.where , here is another solution using list-comprehension -

[df.where((df['cumsum'] >= cond - tol) & (df['cumsum'] <= cond + tol), -1)['Num_Albums']
   .max() for cond in conditions]
[10, 4, 1]

The conditions not fulfilling the given criteria would be replaced by -1. Doing this way preserves the dtype at the end.

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