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enhancing java code to be more efficient

I am trying to expand a GWT tree using selenium and i did successfully with that code

for (int i = 0; i < elem.size(); i++) {
 if (!elem.get(i).isExpanded() || !elem.get(i).isLeaf()) {
 for (int j = 0; j < elem.get(i).getChildren().size(); j++) {
  if (!elem.get(i).getChildren().get(j).isExpanded() || 
                        !elem.get(i).getChildren().get(j).isLeaf()) {
  for (int k = 0; k < elem.get(i).getChildren().get(j).getChildren().size(); k++) {
   if (!elem.get(i).getChildren().get(j).getChildren().get(k).isExpanded() ||
              !elem.get(i).getChildren().get(j).getChildren().get(k).isLeaf()) {

My question is how to enhance that code or how to put in recursive method ?

To make that code more readable there are a few things you could do (:

Reuse method results, eg that of elem.get(i) or use an extended for-loop (if elem etc. support that):

for (int i = 0; i < elem.size(); i++) {
  ElementClass element = elem.get(i);
  if (!element.isExpanded() || !element.isLeaf()) {


Additionally since you seem to do the same for the element and it's children you could provide a method eg:

public void expandIfNeeded(ElementClass element) {
  if (!element.isExpanded() || !element.isLeaf()) {

Then you loop could look like this:

for (int i = 0; i < elem.size(); i++) {
  ElementClass element = elem.get(i);
  expandIfNeeded( element );

  ... //handle children here and call the same method for those (could also be using recursion)

Additionally, if you don't need the index i and elem is iterable you could use the extended for:

for ( ElementClass element : elem ) {
  expandIfNeeded( element );

  ... //handle children here and call the same method for those (could also be using recursion)

And of course recursion would make it more readable, especially if you don't know the depth of the tree:

//I'm assuming "elem" is a List<ElementClass> here
public void expandElements( List<ElementClass> elem ) {
  for ( ElementClass element : elem ) {
    expandIfNeeded( element );
    expandElements( element.getChildren() );

Unreadable code.

Try something like this:

for (int i = 0; i < elem.size(); i++) {
  if (!elem.get(i).isExpanded()) {
  // I don't know what this method returns; no time to research for you
  List<Element> children = elem.get(i).getChildren();
  for (int j = 0; j < children.size(); j++) {
      // don't know what you call it; must be a void method of some kind

You can recursively toggled the element by using following code.

public static void toggleElement(Element elem){

        if(elem.isExpand() || elem.isLeaf()){
        List<Element> children=elem.getChildren();
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {

Hopefully it will resolve your problem.

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