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Worker blocking UI thread in Chrome

I'm building a web app that uses EvaporateJS to upload large files to Amazon S3 using Multipart Uploads. I noticed an issue where every time a new chunk was started the browser would freeze for ~2 seconds. I want the user to be able to continue to use my app while the upload is in progress, and this freezing makes that a bad experience.

I used Chrome's Timeline to look into what was causing this and found that it was SparkMD5's hashing. So I've moved the entire upload process into a Worker, which I thought would fix the issue.

Well the issue is now fixed in Edge and Firefox, but Chrome still has the exact same problem.

Here's a screenshot of my Timeline: 时间线

As you can see, during the freezes my main thread is doing basically nothing, with <8ms of JavaScript running during that time. All the work is occurring in my Worker thread, and even that is only running for ~600ms or so, not the 1386ms that my frame takes.

I'm really not sure what's causing the issue, are there any gotchas with Workers that I should be aware of?

Here's the code for my Worker:

var window = self; // For Worker-unaware scripts

// Shim to make Evaporate work in a Worker
var document = {
    createElement: function() {
        var href = undefined;

        var elm = {
            set href(url) {
                var obj = new URL(url);
                elm.protocol = obj.protocol;
                elm.hostname = obj.hostname;
                elm.pathname = obj.pathname;
                elm.port = obj.port;
                elm.search = obj.search;
                elm.hash = obj.hash;
                elm.host = obj.host;
                href = url;
            get href() {
                return href;
            protocol: undefined,
            hostname: undefined,
            pathname: undefined,
            port: undefined,
            search: undefined,
            hash: undefined,
            host: undefined

        return elm;


DOMParser = self.xmldom.DOMParser;

var defaultConfig = {
    computeContentMd5: true,
    cryptoMd5Method: function (data) { return btoa(SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.hash(data, true)); },
    cryptoHexEncodedHash256: sha256,
    awsSignatureVersion: "4",
    awsRegion: undefined,
    aws_url: "https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com",
    aws_key: undefined,
    customAuthMethod: function(signParams, signHeaders, stringToSign, timestamp, awsRequest) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            var signingRequestId = currentSigningRequestId++;

            postMessage(["signingRequest", signingRequestId, signParams.videoId, timestamp, awsRequest.signer.canonicalRequest()]);
            queuedSigningRequests[signingRequestId] = function(signature) {
                queuedSigningRequests[signingRequestId] = undefined;
                if(signature) {
                } else {
    //logging: false,
    bucket: undefined,
    allowS3ExistenceOptimization: false,
    maxConcurrentParts: 5

var currentSigningRequestId = 0;
var queuedSigningRequests = [];

var e = undefined;
var filekey = undefined;
onmessage = function(e) {
    var messageType = e.data[0];
    switch(messageType) {
        case "init":
            var globalConfig = {};
            for(var k in defaultConfig) {
                globalConfig[k] = defaultConfig[k];
            for(var k in e.data[1]) {
                globalConfig[k] = e.data[1][k];

            var uploadConfig = e.data[2];

            Evaporate.create(globalConfig).then(function(evaporate) {
                var e = evaporate;

                filekey = globalConfig.bucket + "/" + uploadConfig.name;

                uploadConfig.progress = function(p, stats) {
                    postMessage(["progress", p, stats]);

                uploadConfig.complete = function(xhr, awsObjectKey, stats) {
                    postMessage(["complete", xhr, awsObjectKey, stats]);

                uploadConfig.info = function(msg) {
                    postMessage(["info", msg]);

                uploadConfig.warn = function(msg) {
                    postMessage(["warn", msg]);

                uploadConfig.error = function(msg) {
                    postMessage(["error", msg]);


        case "pause":

        case "resume":

        case "cancel":

        case "signature":
            var signingRequestId = e.data[1];
            var signature = e.data[2];

Note that it relies on the calling thread to provide it with the AWS Public Key, AWS Bucket Name and AWS Region, AWS Object Key and the input File object, which are all provided in the 'init' message. When it needs something signed, it sends a 'signingRequest' message to the parent thread, which is expected to provided the signature in a 'signature' message once it's been fetched from my API's signing endpoint.

I can't give a very good example or analyze what you are doing with only the Worker code, but I strongly suspect that the issue either has to do with either the reading of the chunk on the main thread or some unexpected processing that you are doing on the chunk on the main thread. Maybe post the main thread code that calls postMessage to the Worker?

If I were debugging it right now, I'd try moving your FileReader operations into the Worker. If you don't mind the Worker blocking while it loads a chunk, you could also use FileReaderSync .

Post-comments update

Does generating the presigned URL require hashing the file content + metadata + a key? Hashing file content is going to take O(n) in the size of the chunk and it's possible, if the hash is the first operation that reads from the Blob , that the loading of the file content could be deferred until the hashing starts. Unless you are compelled to keep the signing in the main thread (you don't trust the worker with key material?) that would be another good thing to bring into the worker.

If moving the signing into the Worker is too much, you could have the worker do something to force the Blob to be read and/or pass the ArrayBuffer (or Uint8Array or what have you) of file content back to the main thread for signing; this would ensure that reading the chunk does not occur on the main thread.

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