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Send array by volley android to php

I'm trying to write a small code that send array from my android application by volley android to php file a that will write the array in text file here is my array

>String[] title = {
                    "Drug Addiction"

my volley code:

>UploadRequest registerRequest = new UploadRequest(title, responseListener);
            RequestQueue volleyQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(MainActivity.this);
            DiskBasedCache cache = new DiskBasedCache(getCacheDir(), 64 * 2048 * 2048);
            volleyQueue = new RequestQueue(cache, new BasicNetwork(new HurlStack()));

my stringRequest class UploadRequest.java

public class UploadRequest extends StringRequest {
private static final String REGISTER_REQUEST_URL ="";
private Map<String, String> params;

public UploadRequest(String[] names, Response.Listener<String> listener) {
    super(Method.POST, REGISTER_REQUEST_URL, listener, null);
    params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("names", String.valueOf(names));//i think my problem is here!


public Map<String, String> getParams() {
    return params;


my Register.php file

$value = $_POST['names'];

$fp = fopen('Log.txt', 'w');

fwrite($fp, $value);


the output of the php file in the text file 'Log.txt' that came from the array


So my problem the array comes wrong or I didnt declare the array! so please how can I declare it.

Thanks for all

You need to send array values , instead of reference hash code so use Arrays.toString

 params.put("names", Arrays.toString(names));

    String[] title = {
            "Drug Addiction"

Output :

[Abundance, Anxiety, Bruxism, Discipline, Drug Addiction]

Option 2.

You can create JSONARRAY and put values into JSONARRAY and later use jsonarray.toString()

    JSONArray array = new JSONArray();

output :

params.put("names", String.valueOf(names));//i think my problem is here!

Indeed. Better try something like:

params.put("names[0]", names[0]);
params.put("names[1]", names[1]);
params.put("names[2]", names[2]);
.... of course you would make a loop for it


params.put("names0", names[0]);
params.put("names1", names[1]);
params.put("names2", names[2]);

Your php script would be different for the two cases.

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