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json error Bad JSON escape sequence

I am working with json but i got an error Bad JSON escape sequence

    var model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<test>(def);
public class test
        public string test123 { get; set; }

My json def is "{\\"test123 \\": \\"î'ï\¹\ö\\\\±ýŽ± \Eú\\", }"

Please use 4 back slashes to print a single back slash in the resultant JSON string. Two slashes turns into one slash and escapes C#'s string only, to escape JSON, you will need another two. Or use can use the @ string for simplification.

"{\"test123 \": \"î'ï\u0014¹\u0019ö\\\\±ýŽ± \u0013Eú\", }"


@"{""test123 "": ""î'ï\u0014¹\u0019ö\\±ýŽ± \u0013Eú"", }"


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