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Jsoup Getting specific data between different tags without class or tags

Im trying to get the data of < "b" > #8 (with the random text).

right now i have this code that give me the TITLE that I need

Document doc = Jsoup.connect(""); 
Elements title = doc.select("div.column.two-third"); 
Element k = title.select("b").get(8);

but I also need the text. It is possible?

sample of the website's code Im trying to get data

<div class="column two-third"> 

<div style="color:#000000">                                   

<b>Title I dont want:</b> random text // "b" #0  </br>

<b>Title i dont want</b> random text // "b" #1  <br>

<b>Title i dont want:</b> random text // "b" #7  <br>

**<b>TITLE I WANT :</b> random text // "b" #8  <br>**

<div align="justify"> <br> <br>   <b style="color:#000000">text i dont want</b><br>

As you can see, the text that I want is in a Div without class or ID, also, the text is without tags ("p"). I just need #8. It is possible?

Yes, it is possible: the text after the <b> tag is in a text node. So after grabbing the correct <b> tag, jsoup let you select a specific node in the parent element with .parent().childNode(int index) ( https://jsoup.org/apidocs/org/jsoup/nodes/Node.html#childNode-int- ) and gives you the index of the targeted <b> element with .siblingIndex() , so just get the childNode at the index incremented by 1.

Example Code

Elements bTags = htmlDocument.select("div.column.two-third > div b");

    Element title = bTags.get(8);
    String text = title.parent().childNode(title.siblingIndex()+1).toString();
    System.out.println(title.text() + "\n" + text);


random text

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