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How To Write Regex to Extract URL from Bing Search Result?

I have this to extract URL from google search result ( https://www.google.com/search?q=myquery&num=100 )

@"(?<=<h3 class=\""r\""><a href=\""\/url\?q=)(.*?)(?=&amp;)";

Here's my code to extract URL from google search result

const string regexPattern = @"(?<=<h3 class=\""r\""><a href=\""\/url\?q=)(.*?)(?=&amp;)";

public static string[] TopUrls(string data)
        Regex regex = new Regex(regexPattern);
        MatchCollection collection = regex.Matches(data);
        return collection.Cast<Match>()
            .Select(m => m.Value)

string downloadUrl = "https://www.google.com" + "/search?q=" + keyword.ToString() + "&num=" + numResults + "&as_qdr=all&ei=LrUVVf7UMrPfsAS7lICgCw&sa=N&biw=1440&bih=690";
                fetch.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Host, "www.google.com");
                string data = fetch.DownloadString(downloadUrl);
                string[] results = TopUrls(data);

from that code i can extract each URL from google search result.

Here's the result: https : //www blogger com/ profile/ 15582992268736301561 https : //www blogger com/ profile /17377873899922361640

How to write regex for this URL? http://www.bing.com/search?q=myquery&count=100

Thank You :)


Why not use Bing Search API s? If you really must parse the HTML, you're looking for algo results. Get the li tags with b_algo class and extract the URL from them.

Your first step is to use:


Then you need another regex to remove <strong> tags

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