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Gson & Java - Attempted to serialize java.lang.Class: … Forgot to register a type adapter?

I'm trying to create an abstract class for defining configuration classes. I wish to export and import these classes from and to JSON whenever I want to. I'm trying to achieve this using Gson.

I'm getting an error when writing to JSON that states it:

can't serialize java.lang.Class - Forgot to register a type adapter?

My main class: https://hastebin.com/pogohodovi.scala
Abstract config class: https://hastebin.com/adeyawubuy.cs

An example of a child class:

public class DyescapeCOREConfiguration extends DyescapeConfiguration {

    private static transient DyescapeCOREConfiguration i = new DyescapeCOREConfiguration();
    public static DyescapeCOREConfiguration get() { return i; }

    @Expose public static String ServerID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();


Please note: I need to keep the variables in the child configuration classes static. I tried to create some adapters/serializers, but they don't seem to work.

You're probably doing:


In order to serialize this class, you still must create an instance of DyescapeCOREConfiguration . Since static s are not (de)serialized by default, you have to enable them (IMHO, enabling such modifier is really not a good idea):

    final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
            .excludeFieldsWithModifiers(TRANSIENT) // STATIC|TRANSIENT in the default configuration
    final String json = gson.toJson(new DyescapeCOREConfiguration());

The output:



If obtaining an instance is not possible for whatever reason, write a custom Class<?> type adapter (I would never use it in practice):


final class StaticTypeAdapterFactory
        implements TypeAdapterFactory {

    private static final TypeAdapterFactory staticTypeAdapterFactory = new StaticTypeAdapterFactory();

    private StaticTypeAdapterFactory() {

    static TypeAdapterFactory getStaticTypeAdapterFactory() {
        return staticTypeAdapterFactory;

    public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
        final Type type = typeToken.getType();
        if ( type.equals(Class.class) ) {
            final TypeAdapter<T> castStaticTypeAdapter = (TypeAdapter<T>) getStaticTypeAdapter(gson);
            return castStaticTypeAdapter;
        return null;



final class StaticTypeAdapter<T>
        extends TypeAdapter<Class<T>> {

    private static final String TARGET_CLASS_PROPERTY = "___class";

    private final Gson gson;

    private StaticTypeAdapter(final Gson gson) {
        this.gson = gson;

    static <T> TypeAdapter<Class<T>> getStaticTypeAdapter(final Gson gson) {
        return new StaticTypeAdapter<>(gson);

    public void write(final JsonWriter out, final Class<T> value)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            final Iterator<Field> iterator = Stream.of(value.getFields())
                    .filter(f -> isStatic(f.getModifiers()))
            while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
                final Field field = iterator.next();
                final Object fieldValue = field.get(null);
                @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
                final TypeAdapter<Object> adapter = (TypeAdapter) gson.getAdapter(field.getType());
                adapter.write(out, fieldValue);
        } catch ( final IllegalAccessException ex ) {
            throw new IOException(ex);

    public Class<T> read(final JsonReader in)
            throws IOException {
        try {
            Class<?> type = null;
            final Map<String, JsonElement> buffer = new HashMap<>();
            while ( in.peek() != END_OBJECT ) {
                final String property = in.nextName();
                switch ( property ) {
                case TARGET_CLASS_PROPERTY:
                    type = Class.forName(in.nextString());
                    // buffer until the target class name is known
                    if ( type == null ) {
                        final TypeAdapter<JsonElement> adapter = gson.getAdapter(JsonElement.class);
                        final JsonElement jsonElement = adapter.read(in);
                        buffer.put(property, jsonElement);
                    } else {
                        // flush the buffer
                        if ( !buffer.isEmpty() ) {
                            for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : buffer.entrySet() ) {
                                final Field field = type.getField(e.getKey());
                                final Object value = gson.getAdapter(field.getType()).read(in);
                                field.set(null, value);
                        final Field field = type.getField(property);
                        if ( isStatic(field.getModifiers()) ) {
                            final TypeAdapter<?> adapter = gson.getAdapter(field.getType());
                            final Object value = adapter.read(in);
                            field.set(null, value);
            // flush the buffer
            if ( type != null && !buffer.isEmpty() ) {
                for ( final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : buffer.entrySet() ) {
                    final Field field = type.getField(e.getKey());
                    final Object value = gson.fromJson(e.getValue(), field.getType());
                    field.set(null, value);
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
            final Class<T> castType = (Class) type;
            return castType;
        } catch ( final ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex ) {
            throw new IOException(ex);


Example use:

final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
final String json = gson.toJson(DyescapeCOREConfiguration.class);
out.println("DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID=" + DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID);
// ---
DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID = "whatever";
out.println("DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID=" + DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID);
// ---
final Class<DyescapeCOREConfiguration> configurationClass = gson.fromJson(json, Class.class);
//    ^--- this is awful, omitting a useless assignment is even worse
out.println("DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID=" + DyescapeCOREConfiguration.ServerID);



However, I still recommend you to avoid the idea of static fields (de)serialization.

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