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How can I create an abstract base class with a generic that can handle either an integer or string value?

I'm learning C# currently and have a situation where I would like to have a base abstract class that other classes will inherit from.

My challenge is that I would like to pass in either an integer or a string value depending on the situation.

Currently, I can do that with a generic IF I don't constrain the generic. However, I think that might be a bad practice to not constrain a generic? And if it is a bad practice, how would I constrain the generic so that I'm only taking an integer or string.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

I want to have a base abstract class that can handle
both an integer value and a string value
public abstract class Characteristic<T> where T : int, string {
    private T _value;

    public T Value {
        get { return _value;}
        set { _value = value;}

public class NumericAttribute : Characteristic<int> {
    private int _modifiedValue = Value + 1;

public class StringAttribute : Characteristic<string> {
    private string _modifiedValue = Value + " more text.";

Thanks for your help!

Limiting a generic class to just int and string is not possible.

  • there is no "just these classes" constraint
  • int and string do not share any common base class or interface that are unique to them
  • int is a struct and string is a class - so even narrowing choices by struct / class constraint is not possible.

So basically generic without type constraints (with possibly checking types at run-time if it is really required) is the best generic type you can get with those 2 types. There is nothing particularly wrong with generics that don't constraint they type arguments (ie List<T> ).

If you want to narrow types at least a bit int and string do have some shared interfaces - IComparable , IConvertible (non-generic once), but these interfaces are implemented by all numeric types for example.

Note: there are similar questions trying to limit generics to "numerical types" that may give some alternative approaches (including code generation). Ie Is there a constraint that restricts my generic method to numeric types?

It is possible to more-or-less do what you're asking; but as others have already indicated, you might not want to do that (and might not even need the constraint). However, as I indicated in a comment, you make an interface

public interface IModifiable<T>
    T Modify(T value);

and then your own wrapper classes for int and string which implement this interface:

public struct Int32 : IModifiable<Int32>
    public System.Int32 Value { get; set; }

    public Int32 Modify(Int32 value)
        return new Int32() { Value = Value + value.Value };

public class String : IModifiable<String>
    public System.String Value { get; set; }

    public String Modify(String value)
        return new String() { Value = Value + value.Value };

Your base class now has a constraint of your interface

public abstract class Characteristic<T> where T : IModifiable<T>
    private T _value;

    public T Value
        get { return _value; }
        set { _value = value; }

and your derived classes, pretty much as before

public class NumericAttribute : Characteristic<Int32>
    void f()
        var _modifiedValue = Value.Modify(new Int32() { Value = 1 });

public class StringAttribute : Characteristic<String>
    void f()
        var _modifiedValue = Value.Modify(new String() { Value = " more text." });

Again, while this gives you a "solution" to your specific question, you might consider the wisdom of this approach.

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