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YUI Compressor: Output with line breaks using Ant

My Ant build script has this statement:

    jar="../tools/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar" fork="true"
    args="../js/navigation.js -o ../js/navigation.min.js">  

The newly created file ../js/navigation.min.js is not formatted. Is there any way by which I can format the populated output file so that it isn't all on one line?

From the YUI Compressor documentation :

  Specify 0 to get a line break after each semi-colon in JavaScript, and
  after each rule in CSS.

Here's how you would use --line-break in an Ant script:

<java jar="../tools/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar" fork="true">
    <arg value="../js/navigation.js"/>
    <arg value="-o"/>
    <arg value="../js/navigation.min.js"/>
    <arg value="--line-break"/>
    <arg value="0"/>

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