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Can not Connect to MLab Mongo Database from mongodb java driver

This is my MLab setup for my blooddb database在此处输入图片说明

I am trying to connect it from a spring application by mongodb java driver. This is my springDataDb Utils file:

public class SpringDataDBUtils {

    private static MongoOperations  mongoOperation;
    private final static Properties properties = new Properties();
    private final static Logger     logger     = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpringDataDBUtils.class);

    public static MongoOperations getMongoOperations() throws Exception {

        if( mongoOperation==null){

            logger.info("Connecting to db ... ");

            MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(getDatabaseURI()+getDatabaseName());
            MongoClient client = new MongoClient(uri);

            mongoOperation = new MongoTemplate(client, getDatabaseName());
            logger.info("Connected to db : "+  getDatabaseName());

        return mongoOperation;

        /*AppConfig appConfig = new AppConfig();

        return appConfig.getMongoOperations();*/

     protected static String getDatabaseName() {

            try {
                InputStream inputStream = SpringDataDBUtils.class.getClassLoader()

            } catch (IOException e) {


            return properties.getProperty(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_DB_NAME);

     protected static  String getDatabaseURI() {

         try {
             InputStream inputStream = SpringDataDBUtils.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_FILE);

        } catch (IOException e) {

         String dbURI = "mongodb://"+  properties.getProperty(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_DB_USER) + 
                        ":" + properties.getProperty(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_DB_PASSWORD)   +
                         "@" + properties.getProperty(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_DB_IP)      +
                         ":" + properties.getProperty(AppConstant.PROPERTIES_DB_PORT)      + "/";


         return dbURI;

     public static Properties ssProperties(){
         try {
             InputStream inputStream = SpringDataDBUtils.class.getClassLoader()

         } catch (IOException e) {

          return properties;

and my properties file is:

db.ip= mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@ds037587.mlab.com:37587/blooddb

But while running the app i am getting exception.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'mongoTemplate' defined in class path resource [com/istiak/blooddb/AppConfig.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed

this is probably the db.ip i have provided here in the properties file. so what can i do while putting ip from mLab?

Seems like there is problem in your dbURI string. You are adding "mongoldb://" two times in dbURI, one the constant string and other as computed from db.ip in properties file.

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