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web scraping - No records found

I'm trying to rbind series of HTML Tables (from different pages with same col names) but some pages have "no records" , I want to skip such pages or assign NULL to the dataframe.

Example Dataframe 1



Batting$"Match by match list"

Batting<-Batting$"Match by match list"

Dataframe 2



Batting$"Match by match list"

Batting<-Batting$"Match by match list"

There are several such Dataframes which have records in tabular form and some that don't have records

When I rbind the one with no records is causing error for final dataframe


How do I resolve this!?

PS: And for each url query I'm adding certain set of columns(say 5 additional columns using cbind) based on my requirement to the dataframe.

You can do the following:


urls <- c(

extra_cols <- list(

doc <- map(urls, read_html) %>% 
  map(html_node, ".engineTable:nth-child(5)")

keep <- map_lgl(doc, ~class(.) != "xml_missing")

map(doc[keep], html_table, fill = TRUE) %>% 
  map2_df(extra_cols[keep], cbind)

The critical part is the discard which removes all list-elements of class "xml_missing" eg the empty ones.

I comparison to your code i use CSS selector to specify the html_node that should inherit the table. See http://selectorgadget.com/

Also your rbind is done internally by map2_df (the last row)

This results in: (using %>% {head(.[,c("Bat1", "Runs", "Team")])} )

  Bat1 Runs Team
1    0    0  IND
2    3    3  IND
3  148  148  IND
4   56   56  IND
5   38   38  IND
6   20   20  IND

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