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How can I get parameters out of a string and store them in variables? (C#)

So I have a single string downloaded that will have this format:

  "MatchId": "83570b03-2963-4b44-834c-bf77c74f2d0a",
  "MatchType": 3,
  "GameMode": 3,
  "SeasonId": null,
  "PlaylistId": "282fc197-7bf1-4865-81ec-a312d07567b6",
  "Teams": {
    "1": {
      "TeamSize": 2
    "2": {
      "TeamSize": 2
  "MapId": "skirmish\\design\\MP_Veteran\\MP_Veteran",
  "MatchStartDate": {
    "ISO8601Date": "2017-02-24T21:20:42.024Z"
  "PlayerMatchDuration": "PT35M39.4550853S",
  "PlayerIndex": 3,
  "TeamId": 1,
  "TeamPlayerIndex": 1,
  "LeaderId": 3,
  "PlayerCompletedMatch": true,
  "PlayerMatchOutcome": 2,
  "XPProgress": {
    "PreviousTotalXP": 23300,
    "GameplayXP": 600,
    "ChallengesXP": 0,
    "UpdatedTotalXP": 23900,
    "CompletedSpartanRanks": []

What I want to know is if I have a separate class with variables such as 'MatchId', 'MatchType', 'GameMode' etc. How can I input this string and automatically store all of the values into the correct variable?
Thanks :)

This looks like JSON, does this have a surrounding { and } ? If so you need to parse it as JSON which should be pretty easy if you use something like what Icepickle suggested (NewtonSoft.JSON)

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