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Login Failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' when connecting from a different SQL Server

I have 3 servers:

server1 : A server with Management Studio installed

server2 : A database server with the database database2 running on the instance server2

server3 : A database server with the database database3 running on the instance server3

I have created a linked server on server2, pointing to server3. When I execute an script using the linked server, it works. When I login on server1 however, when I connect in Management Studio to server2 and try to execute the query using the linked server, I get the error:


Why doesn't this work, while it does work when I open Management Studio on server2?

Both server2 and server3 have the SQL Server service and the SQL Server Agent running under the same account, which is a domain account.

Seems like Kerberos Double Hop issue.

You can try by recreating the linked server by including the IP address. For example, In server2, linked server with [ServerName], [PortNumber] (Server2, 1433).

有趣的是,您在两个不同的数据库服务器(实例)上配置了相同的服务帐户,我建议为每个数据库服务器使用单独的服务帐户并设置适当的SPN(命令:SETSPN, 参阅https://technet.microsoft.com/cn -us / library / cc731241(v = ws.11).aspx

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