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Getting string between characters in Regex

I have a list of strings with the output below

      stop = F6, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 0
      stop = F8, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 1
      stop = BN, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 2
      stop = F6, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 3
      stop = F8, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 4
      stop = BN, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 5
      stop = F6, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 6
      stop = F8, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 7
      stop = SC, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 8

using a foreach loop i'm retrieving each line in the list ie

`stop = F6, quantity ( 1 )                        // stop 0`

However I only need the character F6. I Know I need to use regex to retrieve f6 in this instance, however, I am unsure on the expression. From a brief tutorial on regex, I've tried using the code below to achieve this with no luck

`Regex.Match(output, @"=\w*,").Value.Replace("\"", "");`

Any help would be appreciated.

You can use this pattern:



string str = "stop = F6, quantity ( 1 )  ";
var res = Regex.Matches(str, "=\\s([A-Za-z0-9]{2}),")[0].Groups[1].Value;

i don't know much in C# but you're regex is this : "= (\\w+)," . That regex get any words/digit between = and , .

In regex, an expression between parenthesis is call a "Capturing Group". In any languages you have some API to retrieve content capture in capturing group. I found this for C# : https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/system.text.regularexpressions.match.groups(v=vs.110).aspx

So the code for retrieve you're data look like that :

String pattern = @"=\\s(\\w+),";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern);

foreach (Match match in matches)
   Console.WriteLine("Value : {0}", match.Groups[1].Value);

To test you're regex in live, https://regex101.com/ is so usefull ! Use it to see visually what the regex request do while you write it.

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