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insert blob with spring jdbctemplate

I am trying to insert blob in table using jdbctemplate by following code

LobHandler handler = new DefaultLobHandler();
int dbresponse = jdbcTemplate.update(DBConstants.INSERT_INVOICE, new Object[]{invoiceBean.getVendorid(),
        new SqlLobValue(invoiceBean.getInvoiceImage(), invoiceBean.getInvoiveImageLength(), handler), invoiceBean.getInvoiceDate()}, 
        Types.INTEGER,Types.BLOB, Types.VARCHAR);

but getting following error

    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid argument value: java.io.NotSerializableException


    Caused by: java.io.NotSerializableException: org.springframework.jdbc.core.support.SqlLobValue

I had made invoiceBean class as Serializable but getting same error.

NOTE: Images with small size are inserted succesfully to database but issue comes with large image size typically greater than 1 MB

Kindly advice !!!

I think the last parameter should be an int array:

LobHandler handler = new DefaultLobHandler();
int dbresponse = jdbcTemplate.update(
                       new Object[]{
                               new SqlLobValue(invoiceBean.getInvoiceImage(), invoiceBean.getInvoiveImageLength(), handler), 
                       new int[] {Types.INTEGER, Types.BLOB, Types.VARCHAR});

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