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Is calling await multiple time on the same task bad for performance

Is it bad practice to call await on a task that has already been waited on? Is it bad for performance?

class SomeClass 
   string Prop1; 
   string Prop2; 

public void SomeMethod()
    Task<SomeClass>[] someClassInstanceTasks = Task<SomeClass>[10];
    foreach(var task in someClassInstanceTasks)
        task = GetSomeClassInstanceAsync();


    SomeClass someClassInstance =  someClassInstanceTasks[0].Result;
     //OR (which is recommended)
    SomeClass someClassInstance =  await someClassInstanceTasks[0];

Personally, I prefer the await approach as an additional safeguard in case someone introduced a bug and mucked with the WaitAll() statement.

In your specific case, I would just use .Result . There is no reason to await on the completed Task to get the result. There is however a reason why you wouldn't want to await on a completed Task , simply due to the fact that you need to mark your method async , which will cause you to mark up all methods that calls that one either async or you would have to implement TaskCompletion , which is a lot of effort for no gain,

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