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Get a random row via EF

I'm building an asp.net core webapp, and now I need to collect a random row from the database (sql) for posting in one of the views. Would very much appreciate any help I can get in doing and understanding this. Code, explanations, links to postings, enything is useful.

I don't fully understand how EF-asp.net core works, so that's what really makes it hard in searching for posts that are related to my problem.

Thank you in advance.


Since you are using EF, I'll provide you with a LINQ-solution.

int total = context.YourEntities.Count();
Random r = new Random();
int offset = r.Next(0, total);

var result = context.YourEntities.Skip(offset).FirstOrDefault();

All this code does is get the total number of records, and generate a random number between [0, total). Note the boundary types: inclusive from the lower-end, exclusive from the upper-end.

You use this random number as an "offset", that is, how many records to skip ( .Skip(offset) ), and then retrieve the very first element of the remaining part of the sequence. If there are no records at all, FirstOrDefault returns null .

在 EF (EF Core) 中,您可以通过这种方式简单地使用 LINQ 语法(OrderBy 方法):

context.MyEntities.OrderBy(r => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(10);

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