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Generate a JToken object dynamically

I need to create a JToken dynamically. The Brand p["properties"]["brand"][0] property must be constructed via string fields from some object. I want to be able to put this in a textbox: ["properties"]["dog"][0] and let that be the brand selection.

Thus far I have the selection hardcoded like this:

JObject o = JObject.Parse(j);
JArray a = (JArray)o["products"];

var products = a.Select(p => new Product
    Brand = (string)p["properties"]["brand"][0]

I however need something like this:

JObject o = JObject.Parse(j);
JArray a = (JArray)o["products"];
string BrandString = "['descriptions']['brand'][0]";

var products = a.Select(p => new Product
    Brand = (string)p[BrandString]

Is this possible somehow?

Have a look at the SelectToken method. It sounds like that is what you are looking for, although the path syntax is a bit different than what you have suggested. Here is an example:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string j = @"
          ""products"": [
              ""descriptions"": {
                ""brand"": [ ""abc"" ]
              ""descriptions"": {
                ""brand"": [ ""xyz"" ]

        JObject o = JObject.Parse(j);
        JArray a = (JArray)o["products"];
        string brandString = "descriptions.brand[0]";

        var products = a.Select(p => new Product
            Brand = (string)p.SelectToken(brandString)

        foreach (Product p in products)

class Product
    public string Brand { get; set; }



Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/xZfPBQ

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