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How parse soap Fault.detail(lxml.etree._Element) from zeep python library

I'm trying get error detail, when I'm calling soap service with zeep.

How parse zeep.exceptions.Fault.detail? It's return lxml.etree._Element.

I'm using this code:

    client = Client(wsdl=self.__wsdl)
    response = client.service.CustomerInformation(CustomerInformationService=self.service, faultStyle='wsdl')
except Fault as error:
    detail = error.detail
    # parse detail here

Here is response XML:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <soap-env:Body >
        <soap-env:Fault  >
            <faultstring>Client Error</faultstring>
                <ouaf:Fault xmlns:ouaf="urn:oracle:ouaf">
                            Error while executing the request:
                            (Server Message)
                                Category: 90006
                                Number: 32200
                                Call Sequence: 
                                Program Name: CustomerInformationService
                                Text: The personal account was not found: 9134211141
                                Table: null
                                Field: null
                    <ResponseData numParm="1"  text="The personal account was not found: 9134211141"  category="90006"  number="32200"  parm1="9134211141"  />
    </soap-env:Body >

Diffinition of 'Fault' type from xml data exist in my wsdl.

I know this is an old question but looking for the answer got me here and now I also know how to do it.

The URL to wsdl in the example is made up as well as the credentials.

import zeep

url_to_wsdl = 'www.some_SOAP_site.com/soap?wsdl'

client = zeep.Client(url_to_wsdl)

credentials = {
    'login' : 'my_login',
    'pass' : 'my_pass'


except zeep.exceptions.Fault as fault:
    parsed_fault_detail = client.wsdl.types.deserialize(fault.detail[0])


Results in

    'errorCode': 'INVALID_SESSION',
    'errorMessage': 'Invalid session!'

Don't forget the [0] after fault.detail and try incrementing it to see if there are more error details.

You can use error.code or error.message to match with the error that you want to look for.


If you can't see anything in error.detail , consider sending a PR to the python-zeep project.

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