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Check if a certain word is in a txt file using python

I made a program based on user input and I am using txt files with my program to check if the user input equal to the txt file.

my_age = open('c:\\file\\user_ask_about_my_age')
my_age_read = my_age.read()
user = raw_input("ask")
if user in my_Age_read:
   print "I am 10 years old "

the txt file:

what is your age
how old are you

The problem is if the user types any char that is existed in my txt(ask_about...) the program print I am 10 years old .

How to make my program read the txt file like string for each line?

I need a simple way and a small code to fix my problem because I have a lot of text files.

Make sure your other file is in the same directory, then on top of your script you can do add:

import myfile

If this file contains a function to print what you want to print, you can call this function with


I think you can achieve what you ask this way:

with open('c:\\file\\user_ask_about_my_age', 'r') as fd:
    lines = fd.readlines()
lines = [line.strip('\n') for line in lines]
user = raw_input("ask")
for line in lines:
    if user == line:
        print "i am 10 years old "

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