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How can I count the number of rows that are not zero in a certain range in python?

I have a pandas Series that consists of numbers either 0 or 1.

2016-01-01    0
2016-01-02    1
2016-01-03    1
2016-01-04    0
2016-01-05    1
2016-01-06    1
2016-01-08    1

I want to make a dataframe using this Series, adding another series that provides information on how many 1s exist for a certain period of time.

For example, if the period was 5 days, then the dataframe would look like

              Value   1s_for_the_last_5days
2016-01-01    0
2016-01-02    1
2016-01-03    1
2016-01-04    0
2016-01-05    1       3
2016-01-06    1       4
2016-01-08    1       4

In addition, I'd like to know if I can count the number of rows that are not zero, in a certain range, in a situation like the below.

              Value   Not_0_rows_for_the_last_5days
2016-01-01    0
2016-01-02    1.1
2016-01-03    0.4
2016-01-04    0
2016-01-05    0.6       3
2016-01-06    0.2       4
2016-01-08    10        4

Thank you for reading this. I would appreciate it if you could give me any solutions or hints on the problem.

You can use rolling for this which creates a sized window and iterates over your given column while applying an aggregation like sum.

First create some dummy data:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

ser = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0, 2, size=10), 
                index=pd.date_range("2016-01-01", periods=10),

2016-01-01    1
2016-01-02    0
2016-01-03    0
2016-01-04    0
2016-01-05    0
2016-01-06    0
2016-01-07    0
2016-01-08    0
2016-01-09    1
2016-01-10    0
Freq: D, Name: Value, dtype: int64

Now, use rolling:

summed = ser.rolling(5).sum()

2016-01-01    NaN
2016-01-02    NaN
2016-01-03    NaN
2016-01-04    NaN
2016-01-05    1.0
2016-01-06    0.0
2016-01-07    0.0
2016-01-08    0.0
2016-01-09    1.0
2016-01-10    1.0
Freq: D, Name: Value, dtype: float64

Finally, create the resulting data frame:

df = pd.DataFrame({"Value": ser, "Summed": summed})

            Summed  Value
2016-01-01     NaN      1
2016-01-02     NaN      0
2016-01-03     NaN      0
2016-01-04     NaN      0
2016-01-05     1.0      0
2016-01-06     0.0      0
2016-01-07     0.0      0
2016-01-08     0.0      0
2016-01-09     1.0      1
2016-01-10     1.0      0

In order to count arbitrary values, define your own aggregation function in conjunction with apply on the rolling window like:

# dummy function to count zeros
count_func = lambda x: (x==0).sum()

summed = ser.rolling(5).apply(count_func)

You may replace 0 with any value or combination of values of your original series.

you want rolling


df = pd.DataFrame({'Value': s, '1s_for_the_last_5days': s.rolling('5D').sum()})

pd.Series.rolling is a useful method but you can do this with a pythonic way:

def rolling_count(l,rolling_num=5,include_same_day=True):
    output_list = []
    for index,_ in enumerate(l):
        start = index - rolling_num - int(include_same_day)
        end = index + int(include_same_day)
        if start < 0:
            start = 0
    return output_list

data = {'Value': [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
        'date': ['2016-01-01','2016-01-02','2016-01-03','2016-01-04','2016-01-05','2016-01-06','2016-01-08']}

df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index('date')

l = df['Value'].tolist()

df['1s_for_the_last_5days'] = rolling_count(df['Value'],rolling_num=5)



            Value  1s_for_the_last_5days
2016-01-01      0                      0
2016-01-02      1                      1
2016-01-03      1                      2
2016-01-04      0                      2
2016-01-05      1                      3
2016-01-06      1                      4
2016-01-08      1                      5

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