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Conditionally acquire an std::mutex

I have a multi-threaded app that uses the GPU, which is inherently single-threaded, and the actual APIs I use, cv::gpu::FAST_GPU , does crash when I try to use them multi-threaded, so basically I have:

static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex);

Now, benchmarking the code shows me FAST_GPU() in isolation is faster than the CPU FAST() , but in the actual application my other threads spend a lot of time waiting for the lock, so the overall throughput is worse.

Looking through the documentation, and at this answer it seems that this might be possible:

static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;
static std::unique_lock<std::mutex> s_FAST_GPU_lock(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::defer_lock);

    // Create an unlocked guard
    std::lock_guard<decltype(s_FAST_GPU_lock)> guard(s_FAST_GPU_lock, std::defer_lock);
    if (s_FAST_GPU_lock.try_lock())

However, this will not compile as std::lock_guard only accepts a std::adopt_lock . How can I implement this properly?

It is actually unsafe to have a unique_lock accessible from multiple threads at the same time. I'm not familiar with the opencv portion of your question, so this answer is focused on the mutex/lock usage.

static std::mutex s_FAST_GPU_mutex;
   // Create a unique lock, attempting to acquire
   std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::try_to_lock);
   if (guard.owns_lock())
       guard.unlock(); // Or just let it go out of scope later

This attempts to acquire the lock, if it succeeds, uses FAST_GPU , and then releases the lock. If the lock was already acquired, then goes down the second branch, invoking FAST

You can use std::lock_guard , if you adopt the mutex in the locked state, like this:

    if (s_FAST_GPU_mutex.try_lock())
        std::lock_guard<decltype(s_FAST_GPU_lock)> guard(s_FAST_GPU_mutex, std::adopt_lock);

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