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Mutex can't acquire lock

I have a problem where one of my functions can't aquire the lock on one of the 2 mutexes I use. I did a basic debug in VC++2010 , setting some breakpoints and it seems if anywhere the lock is acquired, it does get unlocked.

The code that uses mutexes is as follow:

#define SLEEP(x) { Sleep(x); }

    void Thread::BackgroundCalculator( void *unused ){
    while( true ){
        if(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_q, 5) == 1){
                while(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_p,90000) != 1){}


Then somwhere else:

    if(g_Ticked == g_TickMax){
        if(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_p, 1) == 1){
        g_Ticked = -1;
    g_Ticked += 1;

static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_CalculatePath( AMX* amx, cell* params ){
    if(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_q,1) == 1){
        return 1;
    return 0;


PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL Load( void **ppData ) {
    START_THREAD( Thread::BackgroundCalculator, 0);
    return true;

Some variables and functions:

int MUTEX_INIT(MUTEX *mutex){
    *mutex = CreateMutex(0, FALSE, 0);
    return (*mutex==0);

int MUTEX_LOCK(MUTEX *mutex, int Timex = -1){
    if(WaitForSingleObject(*mutex, Timex) == WAIT_OBJECT_0){
        return 1;
    return 0;
    return ReleaseMutex(*mutex);

MUTEX mutex_q = NULL;
MUTEX mutex_p = NULL;

and defines:

#   include <process.h>
#   define OS_WINDOWS
#   define MUTEX HANDLE
#   include <Windows.h>
#   define EXIT_THREAD() { _endthread(); }
#   define START_THREAD(a, b) { _beginthread( a, 0, (void *)( b ) ); }

Thread header file:

#ifndef __THREAD_H
#define __THREAD_H

class Thread{
                                    Thread                      ( void );
                                   ~Thread                      ( void );
    static void                     BackgroundCalculator        ( void *unused );



Well I can't seem to find the issue. After debugging I wanted to "force" aquiring the lock by this code (from the pawn abstract machine):

if (strcmp("/routeme", cmdtext, true) == 0){
    new fromnode = NearestPlayerNode(playerid);
    new start = GetTickCount();
    while(CalculatePath(fromnode,14,playerid+100) == 0){
        printf("0 %d",fromnode);
    printf("1 %d",fromnode);
    printf("Time: %d",GetTickCount()-start);
    return 1;

but it keeps endless going on, CalculatePath calls static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_CalculatePath( AMX* amx, cell* params )

That was a bit of surprise. Does anyone maybe see a mistake?

If you need the full source code it is available at:


Extra info: PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL Load gets only executed at startup.

static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALLs get only executed when called from a vitrual machine

ProcessTick() gets executed every process tick of the application, after it has finished its own jobs it calls this one in the extensions.

For now I only tested the code on windows, but it does compile fine on linux.

Edit: removed linux code to shorten post.

From what I see your first snippet unlocks mutex based on some condition only, ie in pseudocode it is like:

mutex.lock ():
if some_unrelated_thing:
    mutex.unlock ()

As I understand your code, this way the first snippet can in principle lock and then never unlock.

Another potential problem is that your code is ultimately exception-unsafe. Are you really able to guarantee that no exceptions happen between lock/unlock operations? Because if any uncaught exception is ever thrown, you get into a deadlock like described. I'd suggest using some sort of RAII here.


Untested RAII way of performing lock/unlock:

struct Lock
  MUTEX&  mutex;
  bool    locked;

  Lock (MUTEX& mutex)
    : mutex (mutex),
      locked (false)
  { }

  ~Lock ()
  { release (); }

  bool acquire (int timeout = -1)
    if (!locked && WaitForSingleObject (mutex, timeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
      locked = true;
    return locked;

  int release ()
    if (locked)
      locked = ReleaseMutex (mutex);
    return !locked;

Usage could be like this:

  Lock  q (mutex_q);
  if (q.acquire (5)) {
      if (!QueueVector.empty ()) {
          q.release ();

Note that this way ~Lock always releases the mutex, whether you did that explicitly or not, whether the scope block exited normally or due to an uncaught exception.

I'm not sure if this is intended behavior, but in this code:

void Thread::BackgroundCalculator( void *unused ){
while( true ){
    if(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_q, 5) == 1){
            while(MUTEX_LOCK(&mutex_p,90000) != 1){}

if the QueueVector.empty is true you are never unlocking mutex_q .

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