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Regex to find matches from a string having multiple square brackets

I have a paragraph like below:

Some wording for testing [!#today] where the [!condition] does not satisfy with this verbiage [!ShowElemIf://Student/FullName; [[[Text not recognized fully]]] ;/First Name] But simple tags found having age [!ShowElemIf://Student/Age;xml//Student/DOB/@formatted;y]

I need to find all the placeholders/tags from above which are like: [!tag] using C#. I tried for a regex but it is not able to find the tag having "FullName" word as highlighted in bold above.

 List<string> tags = Regex.Matches( sampleText.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""), @"\\[!([^]]+)\\] ") .Cast<Match>() .Select(x => x.Groups[1].Value) .ToList(); 

Using this RegEx I can find below but not the highlighted one.

  1. today
  2. condition
  3. ShowElemIf://Student/Age;xml//Student/DOB/@formatted;y

You need to use balancing groups available in .NET regex:


See the regex demo

Details :

  • \\[! - a [! substring
  • ((?:[^][]+|(?<o>\\[)|(?<-o>)])*(?(o)(?!))) - Capturing group 1 matching
    • (?: - a non-capturing group with 3 alternatives:
      • [^][]+| - 1 or more chars other than [ and ] , or
      • (?<o>\\[)| - a [ pushed into "o" group stack, or
      • (?<-o>)] - a ] is subtracted from the "o" group stack
    • )* - zero or more occurrences
    • (?(o)(?!))) - a conditional construct checking if the "o" group stack is empty. If it is empty, matching goes on, else, no match is returned.
  • ] - a literal closing ] symbol.

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