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Rails query comparing against Postgres Array Column

So i have a this column in a table t.text "foo", default: [], array: true

And i have this array list in a helper file,

module HelperData

  Helper_array = [

Inside the FooName.rb model there's a line include HelperData .

So the query i want to pass is the include operator && in comparing PG arrays, based on this Postgres Guide .

I have tried the following queries:

FooName.where("foo" && HelperData::Helper_array) . This query returns the error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::SyntaxError: ERROR: . The syntax error is with the elements in HelperData::Helper_array . I have a slight hunch that it is because Foo is :text but the data in Helper_array is a string , though i can't be certain.

FooName.where("foo && HelperData::Helper_array") . This query returns the error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: . Obviously this is just the wrong syntax then.

What is the proper query to find whether the foo array has any elements that overlap with the Helper_array , and return all FooName objects that has overlapping elements?


FooName.where("foo && ARRAY[?]::text[]", HelperData::Helper_array)

refer this link https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-array.html

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