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Hibernate change alias in @Formula

I have a field:

@Formula(value = "(select max(crm_kk_rejestr.data_otrzymania) " +
                   "from crm_kk_rejestr " + 
                   "where crm_kk_rejestr.idkntrh = idkntrh)")
private Date dataOtrzymania;

I want sorted by this field, but I get an error:

ORDER BY column or expression must be in SELECT list in this context.

There is a solution (SQL Server), fe:

private String yourFieldForAlias;

@Formula("( validSQLquery ) as 'yourOwnAlias', NULL")
public String getYourFieldForAlias() {
  return yourFieldForAlias;

The generated query will be:

 ( validSQLquery ) as 'yourOwnAlias', null as formula0_0_

and you need just to:

order by yourOwnAlias


  (SELECT max(crm_kk_rejestr.data_otrzymania)
   FROM crm_kk_rejestr
   WHERE crm_kk_rejestr.idkntrh = kontrahent0_.idkntrh) AS formula62_,
             kontrahent0_.nazwa1 || ' ' || kontrahent0_.nazwa2 AS formula63_
FROM kontrahent0 kontrahent0_
  (SELECT max(crm_kk_rejestr.data_otrzymania)
   FROM crm_kk_rejestr
   WHERE crm_kk_rejestr.idkntrh = kontrahent0_.idkntrh) DESC

Its not work because this is subselect. If i change subselect to alias "formula62_" all work good.

Its possible change alias to my custom in hibernate?

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