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PHP How to check if an array contains a pattern from another array

I'm looking for an alternative function that works the same as in_array but which could also check if the search term only contains a part of the given element instead of the whole element:

Currently working with the following script:

$attributes = array('dogs', 'cats', 'fish');

  if (in_array($attributes, array('dog','cats','fishess'), true )) {

    * does something for cats, but not for dogs and fish
      because the function only checks if the given term is identical to the word in the array instead of only a part of the word *

How would I build my up function so that it passes words which only contain parts of word in the array aswell?

Preferred example would look something like this:

$words = array('fish', 'sharks');

if (*word or sentence part is* in_array($words, array('fishing', 'sharkskin')){

return 'your result matched 2 elements in the array $words


The solution using array_filter and preg_grep functions:

$words = ['fish', 'sharks', 'cats', 'dogs'];
$others = ['fishing', 'sharkskin'];

$matched_words = array_filter($words, function($w) use($others){
    return preg_grep("/" . $w . "/", $others);


The output:

    [0] => fish
    [1] => sharks

Try the code below:

$what  = ['fish', 'sharks'];
$where = ['fishing', 'sharkskin'];

foreach($what as $one)
    foreach($where as $other)
        echo (strpos($other, $one)!==false ? "YEP! ".$one." is in ".$other."<br>" : $one." isn't in ".$other."<br>");

Hope it helps =}

you can use:

array_filter($arr, function($v, $k) {
    // do whatever condition you want
    return in_array($v, $somearray);

this function call on every item in the array $arr a function that you can customize, in your case check whether you element in another array or not

Why not just make your own piece of code / function?

foreach ($item in $attributes) {
    foreach ($item2 in array('dog','cats','fishess')) {
        // Check your custom functionality.
        // Do something if needed.

You can take a look at array_intersect , but it is not going to check pattern matches (which you have somehow mentioned?)

array_intersect() returns an array containing all the values of array1 that are present in all the arguments. Note that keys are preserved.

foreach (array_intersects($attributes, array('dog','cats','fishess') {
    // do something.

I would go with:

 $patterns = array('/.*fish.*/', '/.*sharks.*/'); 
 $subjects = array('fishing', 'aaaaa', 'sharkskin');
 $matches = array();
    function ($m) {
        global $matches;
        $matches[] =  $m[0];
        return $m[0];

 print_r($matches); // Array ( [0] => fishing [1] => sharkskin )

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