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PHP array containing 0/

hi I have array of elements containing pattern like $arr = array ('0/' ,'0/12/3','1/2') i need to have array of "0/" elements i've tried to use comman ...

preg_grep outputting partial match

So I'm currently using preg_grep to find lines containing string, but if a line contains special chars such as " - . @ " I can simply type 1 letter th ...

PHP preg_grep error?

PHP preg_grep not working? I'm PHP beginner, and English communication also. The execution result of this program is indicated by "ArrayArray"... ...

Preg grep array in pattern

I have a problem with pattern in preg_grep. I want to pull line with specific number, source files looks like this : .... 4221 Výstavba inženýrských ...

2017-03-04 17:18:27   1   148    preg-grep  

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