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Execute multiple commands sequentially in terminal using shell script

I would like to do the following:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Change to the directory where target script resides.
  3. Open the text file which provides the input to the target script. Hold/wait until the user has saved and closed the text file.
  4. Execute the target script.

I wrote the following script to do the above:

echo "hello"
gnome-terminal -x bash -c "cd ~/automation/DVF99_Automation/Scripts;pwd;gedit sample.txt;python test.py;exec $SHELL"
echo "good bye"

The above gives me the following output:

user4@user-pc-4:~/Desktop$ ./DAT_run.sh
good bye

And on the new gnome-terminal opened, I see the following message:

From python script
From python script
From python script
From python script
From python script

The above means it has executed the python code and my requirements 1,2 and 4 have been met (not the 3rd). I'm unable to hold the gedit window as a foreground process until it has been saved and closed (so that the next statement is executed only after I close the file opened in gedit ).

What could be going wrong here? I am new to shell scripting and feel like I could very well be missing something here. How can I achieve all my above requirements?

btw, you need start the gedit in background.


$ gedit sample.txt&;python test.py;exec $SHELL"

Even more better is variable subsitution.

 gedit $(FILE)&;python test.py;exec $SHELL"

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