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How to compare an element from ArrayList with a specific String?

I am currently working on a quiz game. In the following public void Run() , I want to validate the user input String answer with the correct answers: answersList.forEach(new String .

I am trying to do this with a boolean . But I receive this error message: "Cannot resolve constructor 'String(boolean)'. How do I do to solve this issue?

Initialization of the private volatile boolean:

class Broadcaster extends Thread {
private volatile boolean check_point = true;

public boolean getFlag() {
    System.out.println("getFlag is running");
    return this.check_point;


And after BufferedReader, PrintStrem and so on...

  public void run() {
    while (true) {
        try {
            List<String> answersList = new ArrayList<>();
            try (Stream<String> answersStream = Files.lines(Paths.get(answersFile))) {
                answersList = answersStream
            } catch (IOException a) {
                System.out.println("The timer isn't working correctly");
            if (answersList.forEach(new String(equals(answer)))) { //ERROR MESSAGE
                write.println("Right Answer");
                check_point = true;

            } else {
                write.println("Wrong Answer");
                check_point = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Some problem with the validation");

I think the easiest way is to use


instead of

answersList.forEach(new String(equals(answer)))

For the same reason String s = new String(false); results in an error, you can't create a string object from a boolean value.

try this...

if (answersList.forEach(new String(Boolean.toString(equals(answer)))))

I feel like you're making what you're trying to do way more complicated than it has to be though...

But I receive this error message: "Cannot resolve constructor 'String(boolean)'. How do I do to solve this issue?

the problem is that you're passing the result of "equals(answer)" which is a boolean value to the constructor of the String hence there is no String constructor which takes a boolean value.

now to solve the issue you can either use lambda expression like this:

if(answersList.stream().anyMatch(str -> str.equals(answer))){
    write.println("Right Answer");
    check_point = true;
    write.println("Wrong Answer");
    check_point = false;    

or simply:

    write.println("Right Answer");
    check_point = true;
   write.println("Wrong Answer");
   check_point = false;

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