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Unity 5.6 VR VRSettings.supportedDevices is empty

I'm migrating my game to Unity 5.6 and trying to use the native VR support for Cardboard. However the pp doesn't go to VR mode at all I guess that's because when I call VRSettings.supportedDevices returns an empty string[] . The device is ASUS Zenfone 2 which supports VR mode and I have been using it with older versions of Unity in VR mode.

Anyone had this problem before?

Here is the code:

IEnumerator LoadDevice(string newDevice)
    yield return null;
    VRSettings.enabled = true;
    Debug.Log ("********************** SUPPORTED DEVICES 2: " + VRSettings.supportedDevices.Length);
    Debug.Log ("********************** DEVICE: " + VRSettings.loadedDeviceName);
    Debug.Log ("********************** ENABLED: " + VRSettings.enabled);


VRSettings.supportedDevices returns a list of supported VR devices that were included at build time.

VRSettings.supportedDevices is empty because you did not add it to the Editor yet. You mentioned Cardboard, so add Cardboard to the Virtual Reality SDKs list from the Player Settings .


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