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Freeing elements of a void pointer array

I am debugging some code written by someone else which has several memory leaks detected by Valgrind. Part of the code which I believe is causing the problems involves void pointers:

int noElements = 100;
void** ptr = malloc( noElements * sizeof(void*));
for(int i = 0; i < noElements; i++)
    ptr[i] = malloc(sizeof(void*));

//Operation filling the array and doing calculation

free(ptr); //This will not clear the underlying array causing the memory leak?

I created a small test program to check the error is where I thought it was (not freeing each ptr[i] before calling free(ptr); ), but I am getting errors when trying to free elements. My test program looks like this:

int main()
    int num = 10000000; //Large array so I can clearly see memory usage
    void** ptr = (void**) malloc(sizeof(void*) * num);

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        ptr[i] = malloc(sizeof(void*));
        ptr[i] = &i;    //If I never point elements at anything, this code works

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
        free(ptr[i]);       //Crashes here if the elements have been pointed at a variable

    return 0;

Why would calling free on each array element cause the program to crash if the pointers have actually been assigned?

In your code

  ptr[i] = &i;

creates three issues.

  1. It makes the actual returned pointer by malloc() to be lost ( you're overwriting it ), so you have no shot at free() -ing it later, leading to memory leak .
  2. i is a local scoped variable (the scope of for loop body), and you're storing the address of the variable to be used outside the scope ( ie, after the lifetime is over ). Outside the scope attempt to access the address of it will invoke undefined behavior .
  3. ( Ignoring point 2 ) Attempt to free() the ptr[i] will cause undefined behavior again, as the pointer is not returned by memory allocator function.

Your pointers have been assigned a value which is not what you want.

for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    ptr[i] = malloc(sizeof(void*));
    ptr[i] = &i;    //If I never point elements at anything, this code works

First you assign a valid memory address that is returned by malloc() . This address could be free'd using free() . But then you assign another address. The address of your local variable i . This memory location was not allocated using malloc() and hence cannot be free'd. By assigning this address you've lost the dynamically allocated address causing a memory leak.

Your comment is wrong. You already assigned a value that ptr[i] points to some valid address. You don't need to assign again. And you should not.

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