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How to insert array of Object in to mysql with node js?

I am new to node js .I am pretty confused that how to insert array of object in to mysql with nodejs

My Code

static inserPost(postCardArray,postTitle,postedDate,username,coords){
      //postCardArray = [ {hello:'dude'} ]
        let query = "INSERT INTO ??(??,??,??,??,??,??) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        let inserts = ["post","post_by_username","title","post_body","posted_date","views","coords",`${username}`,`${postTitle}`,`${postCardArray}`,`${postedDate}`,0,`${coords}`];
        query = mysql.format(query,inserts);
        pool.getConnection((err,connection) => {
                throw err
                connection.query(query,(err,rows) => {


But Above Code inserts the data like this [Object] I don't know how to insert .

In your example, you are using new ES6 string templateing which internally will call toString method on your object, so you should check your variable values of this part of code


Basically toString method of plain object will return string "[object Object"] instead of key value pairs. Also you can look at JSON.stringify method, which will create JSON string of your object

I would suggest you to use ORM instead to build valid queries, such as Sequelize , Bookshelf with Knex or node-orm2 .

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