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Not able to load rxtx native library with System.load

I'm currently developing on OS X and trying to load the librxtxSerial.jnilib with System.load() , which just doesn't work and always results in

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no rxtxSerial in java.library.path thrown while loading gnu.io.RXTXCommDriver

When I place the lib in /Library/Java/Extensions everything works fine.
I have double checked paths and everything, but it just won't work with System.load when I remove the lib from /Library/Java/Extensions .

I want to bundle the jnilib with a distributable jar, that's why I want to load it programmatically.

Does anybody have an idea?

if you have this:


And you run your code at the root directory, using command like:

java -jar main.jar

In this case, your loading code should be like:


But bot System.loadLibrary(), load is safer than loadLibrary.

It's recommended to pass the absolute path of your jni library to System.load.

I used something like this in my project:

 * To load the JNI library
 * Created by ice1000 on 2017/1/6.
 * @author ice1000
public final class Loader {
    public final static String JNI_LIB_NAME;
    private static boolean loaded = false;

     * maybe it's already loaded, so there should be a check
    static {
        JNI_LIB_NAME = "libjni";

    @Contract(pure = true)
    private static String libraryName(@NonNls @NotNull String libName) {
        String ___ = System.getProperty("os.name");
        String fileName;
        if (___.contains("Linux"))
            fileName = libName + ".so";
        else if (___.contains("Windows"))
            fileName = libName + ".dll";
        else // if (___.get("OSX"))
            fileName = libName + ".dylib";
//      else fileName = libName;
        return new File(fileName).getAbsolutePath();

    public static void loadJni() {
        if (!loaded) {
            loaded = true;

here's my working directory:


Hope this can help you.

Make sure to put your library on LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Take a look here for lots of JNI related samples written for macOS/Linux.


I suggest to start with supper simple Hello world app:


You can take a look there how to develop with JNI for macOS using standard tools.

Hope this helps. Have fun with JNI.

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