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MySQL GROUP BY not giving desired result

I have to show summary as number of males, number of females in each unit. Tried the following query:

    CASE gender
        WHEN 'Male' THEN COUNT(id)
    END AS 'male',
        WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN COUNT(id)
    END AS 'female'
    admission_date = '2017-04-15'
GROUP BY gender

Here's the Fiddle which shows the output. But i want it in 1 row where it should show unit name, number of males, number of females.

SELECT unit, 
sum(CASE gender WHEN 'Male' THEN 1 else 0 END) AS 'male', 
sum(CASE WHEN gender='Female' THEN 1 else 0 END) AS 'female' 
FROM admission_info WHERE admission_date='2017-04-15'
group by unit
SELECT unit, gender, count(id) as count
FROM admission_info WHERE admission_date='2017-04-15' GROUP BY unit, gender

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