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Best way to write python postgres insert command

I am a bit of a newbie and I'm stuck with this postgres insert step.

My challenge is I am pulling a Dict from a json that is stored in a list and I am trying to pull the values from the dict and save it to a postgres DB.

any help on how to write this up correctly would be appreciated

Here is the connection string for the DB under the page break line is the code used for the db insert.

import psycopg2


def dbconnect():
    """Function returns settings for db connection."""
    dbauth = psycopg2.connect("dbname='databse' user='username' \
        host='dbhost' password='password'")

    return dbauth

def weatherupdate(dbauth, list):

connection = dbauth

    print "I am unable to connect to the database"

conn = connection
cursor = conn.cursor()

l01 = list[0]['state_time_zone']
l02 = list[0]['time_zone']
l03 = list[0]['product_name']
l04 = list[0]['state']
l05 = list[0]['refresh_message']
l06 = list[0]['name']
l11 = list[1]['swell_period']
l12 = list[1]['lat']
l13 = list[1]['lon']
l14 = list[1]['cloud_oktas']
l15 = list[1]['gust_kt']
l16 = list[1]['history_product']
l17 = list[1]['local_date_time']
l18 = list[1]['cloud']
l19 = list[1]['cloud_type']
l110 = list[1]['swell_height']
l111 = list[1]['wmo']
l112 = list[1]['wind_dir']
l113 = list[1]['weather']
l114 = list[1]['wind_spd_kt']
l115 = list[1]['rain_trace']
l116 = list[1]['aifstime_utc']
l117 = list[1]['press_tend']
l118 = list[1]['press']
l119 = list[1]['vis_km']
l120 = list[1]['sea_state']
l121 = list[1]['air_temp']
l122 = list[1]['cloud_base_m']
l123 = list[1]['cloud_type_id']
l124 = list[1]['swell_dir_worded']
l125 = list[1]['sort_order']

query = "INSERT INTO weather (state_time_zone, time_zone, product_name, state, refresh_message, name, swell_period, lat, lon, cloud_oktas, gust_kt, history_product, local_date_time, cloud, cloud_type, swell_height, wmo, wind_dir, weather, wind_spd_kt, rain_trace, aifstime_utc, press_tend, press, vis_km, sea_state, air_temp, cloud_base_m, cloud_type_id, swell_dir_worded, sort_order ) VALUES (l01, l02, l03, l04, l05, l06, l11, l12, l13, l14, l15, l16, l17, l18, l19, l110, l111, l112, l113, l114, l115, l116, l117, l118, l119, l120, l121, l122, l123, l124, l125);"



weatherupdate(dbconnect(), getweather())

When i run the code it throws this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "weatherDb.py", line 57, in <module>
    weatherupdate(dbconnect(), getweather())
  File "weatherDb.py", line 53, in weatherupdate
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "l01" does not exist
LINE 1: ...d_type_id, swell_dir_worded, sort_order ) VALUES (l01, l02, ...

Im sure this is incorrect so any help and direction would be great.

Thanks in advance.

query = """INSERT INTO weather (state_time_zone, time_zone, product_name, [SNIP]) 
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, [SNIP] ) """
cursor.execute(query, (l01, l02, l03 [SNIP])

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