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where does myeclipse console output come from?

recently I try to review an old JavaWeb project written in Myeclipse, it is sort of bulky. I start Tomcat and console output shows:




I remember that I added a filter, so the filter--in is ok, I know where it comes from and where to find source code that generates this output.

But,the double wired 1 above is not. I hava no idea which code line made this output. I must have written some code like System.out.println("1") in order to debug when I built this project long time ago.

I try to find an easy way to find the output generator code. Here are ways I think that might work:

  • dig deeply line by line until I find it ( it's stupid and it waste time )
  • use debug mode of MyEclipse. ( I tried, but it seems that I still need to know where is the target code in order to set breakpoint)

I don't think that I master the way to solve it. Are there tips or skills that work or work easier?

您可以尝试使用一种搜索工具(Search Text,Search Java),也可以在java.io.PrintStream.println(String)方法(和/或类似方法)中放置一个断点,并在出现以下情况时将堆栈追溯到您的代码在调试会话期间命中断点。

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