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c# regex match set of characters in any order only once

I need to match any combination of characters in set, in any order, but not duplicate characters. The set is "m,s,b,r,e,l,f,t" and for example

msb - valid
mbs - valid
m - valid
mmft - not valid (duplicate m)
mxel - not valid (x is not in set)

I use this tester http://regexstorm.net/tester

This is closest but will not capture all order combinations


For example nm will not be captured.

Any help appreciated, thank you.

If only consecutive repetitions are not allowed (like in mmft ), use this regex


Demo: https://regex101.com/r/11pGQB/1

If any character recurrence is not allowed (like in mftm ), use this:


Demo: https://regex101.com/r/q1bpMr/1

The key point in the both regexes is the recurrence checking lookbehind:

  • In the first case ( ^(?!.*(.)\\1) ) the match fails if there is a character immediately followed by itself ( (.)\\1 ).

  • In the second case ( ^(?!.*(.).*\\1) ) the match fails if there is a character that repeats after some other sequence ( (.).*\\1 ).

If you only want to know if the string is a match you can do something like:

private bool IsMatch(string str) {
    HashSet<char> set = new HashSet<char>("msbrelft"),
                  viewed = new HashSet<char>();

    foreach (var c in str) {
        if (!set.Contains(c)) return false;
        if (viewed.Contains(c)) return false;
    return true;

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