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Trying to run openalpr error but this error encounter OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I try to run python program in which I want scan number plate using web camera of my laptop but I get this error when I try to run it. I use OpenALPR and OpenCV for this.

I am attaching a screenshot of errors.

image of error:

Here below is the link to the code of the program.

import json, shlex, subprocess

class PlateReader:

    def __init__(self):
        #webcam subprocess args
        webcam_command = "fswebcam -r 640x480 -S 20 --no-banner --quiet alpr.jpg"
        self.webcam_command_args = shlex.split(webcam_command)

        #alpr subprocess args
        alpr_command = "alpr -c eu -t hr -n 300 -j alpr.jpg"
        self.alpr_command_args = shlex.split(alpr_command)

    def webcam_subprocess(self):
        return subprocess.Popen(self.webcam_command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    def alpr_subprocess(self):
        return subprocess.Popen(self.alpr_command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    def alpr_json_results(self):
        alpr_out, alpr_error = self.alpr_subprocess().communicate()

        if not alpr_error is None:
            return None, alpr_error
        elif "No license plates found." in alpr_out:
            return None, None

            return json.loads(alpr_out), None
        except ValueError, e:
            return None, e

    def read_plate(self):
        alpr_json, alpr_error = self.alpr_json_results()

        if not alpr_error is None:
            print alpr_error

        if alpr_json is None:
            print "No results!"

        results = alpr_json["results"]

        ordinal = 0
        for result in results:
            candidates = result["candidates"]

            for candidate in candidates:
                if candidate["matches_template"] == 1:
                    ordinal += 1
                    print "Guess {0:d}: {1:s} {2:.2f}%".format(ordinal, candidate["plate"], candidate["confidence"])

if __name__=="__main__":
    plate_reader = PlateReader()

(ps-I tried tons of time to solve this code indention of StackOverflow, but I can't)

I'm used similar code too. Just remove from alpr_command = "alpr -c eu -t hr -n 300 -j alpr.jpg" this atribute -t hr . And this code should works.

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