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How to post an array of json objects in Foxx to arangodb

I am trying to create a simple existing microservice in Foxx with arangodb. I have followed the getting started but I am pretty new to javascript so I am sure this is very simple.

const db = require('@arangodb').db;
const errors = require('@arangodb').errors;
const foxxColl = db._collection('myCollection');

router.post('/create_entry', function (req, res) {
const data = req.body;
const meta = foxxColl.save(req.body);
res.send(Object.assign(data, meta));
.body(joi.object().required(), 'Entry to store in the collection.')
.response(joi.object().required(), 'Entry stored in the collection.')
.summary('Store an entry')
.description('Stores an entry in the "initial_balance" collection.');

This obviously is good. I would however like to load a bulk payload

 {"key1": "value1", "key2": "valueA"},
 {"key1": "value2", "key2": "valueB"},
 {"key1": "value3", "key2": "valueC"}

I have this which fails (internal server error).

 const initSchmea = joi.object().keys({user_id:joi.string().required(),amount: joi.number().required()});

router.post('/initial_balance/bulk', function (req, res) {
    var data = req.body.;
    for(var i in data) 
        var res = foxxColl.save(d[i]);

.body(joi.array().items(initSchmea.required()), 'Entry to store in the collection.')
.response(['text/plain'], 'Entries stored in the collection.')
.summary('Store entries')
.description('Stores entries in the "initial_balance" collection.');

a) how do I do this simple task

b) what is the best way to debug the scripts


Fixed with this very simple concept:

router.post('/create_entries', function (req, res) {
    var data = req.body;
    for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        var obj = data[i];
        var res = foxxColl.save(obj);   

.body(joi.array().items(joi.object().unknown(true)), ['json'])
//.response(['text/plain'], 'Entries stored in the collection.')
.summary('Store entries')
.description('Stores entries in the "initial_balance" collection.');

I am still not sure how to debug in Foxx though

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