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How to post an array of JSON objects to a Struts2 action using jQuery?

Using Struts2. In my Action I have a List<Person> persons;

In javascript, I have this function:

function mytestfunction() {
    var url = "MyAction_mytestfunction.action";
    var params = {};
    var arr = [];
    var p1 = { "firstname" : "John", "lastname" : "Doe"};
    var p2 = { "firstname" : "Rob", "lastname" : "Smith"};
    arr.push(p1); arr.push(p2);
    params["persons"] = arr;
    $.post(url, params, function(data) {

Problem is, the post() never reaches the action. There are no errors in the logs, nothing.

This all changes if instead of posting objects I post primitives. So when I have a List<Integer> nums in the Action and params["nums"] = [1,2,3]; in javascript, everything is posted fine.

So, is there a way to post JSON objects to a Struts2 action via javascript/jquery?

I should mention that I'm using the struts-jquery plugin, not dojo.

I don't know anything about struts, but this is how I POST objects with json:

    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify(SOME_JAVASCRIPT_OBJECT),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    // etc: etc

you can try as following example:

       type: "Post",
    url: "action_name",    //you can pass through querystring like actionname?paramname=value
    data : {
           //here comes your param or array 
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

If you want to pass through querystring type must be GET

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