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Jquery Validate : if input has specific value : error

I tried to solve my problem for 6 hours.

I use the jQuery Validation plugin.

I have a form with a password input. If the password is wrong (an AJAX request tells me), another input has value 0. If this input has no value, or value 0, I would like my form not to be submitted.

But it doesn't work and I can't explain why.

Here is my HTML :

<form method="post"  action="ajax/traitement.php"   id="form-durabilite" class="col-lg-12">
    <input type="text" id="switch" name="input_cache" value=""/>
    <input type="password" name="signature" id="sign"/>
    <input class="btn btn-lg btn-warning" type="submit"value="Envoyer" />


And my jQuery :

$('#form-durabilite' ).validate({
    rules: {
        signature: {
            required:function(element) {
                return $('#switch').val() == 0 || $('#switch').val() == ''
    messages: {
        signature: {
            required:'Votre mot de passe est obligatoire'

I have no message, nothing, like my rule does not exist ! What did I do bad?

You can use regular expression like this instead of writing function inside rules :

This [$.validator.addMethod] is common method for check input value as per given regular expression

 $.validator.addMethod("regx", function(value, element, regexpr) {
       var re = new RegExp(regexpr);
       var ret = re.test(value);
       return ret;

$('#form-durabilite' ).validate({
    rules: {
        signature: {
            regx:"^[^0-9]{6}$" // Here you can give regular expression for validating you input values
    messages: {
        signature: {
            required:'Votre mot de passe est obligatoire',
            regx:'Le mot de passe n'est pas valide'

I hope it will help you.

Please see how to submit form only if validation is success .

Add in submitHandler parameter as well with a form.submit() . This will trigger form-submit only when the jQuery validate is entirely truthy.

Please try this out.

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