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PyQt/TypeError: expected string or Unicode object, QString found`

I have the following code. I had made a GUI interface and i wan't to store the images in a folder that the program will be created.

TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found

I also tried to make String from Qstring,but didn't worked..or maybe,i don't know how to save the images. Any ideas?

If face_img is a list you will have to convert all elements separately:

face_img = [unicode(elem, encoding="UTF-8") for elem in face_img] 

Or, convert only the first element when you use it:

cv2.imwrite(folder + '/' + str(counter) + '.jpg', unicode(face_img[0], encoding="UTF-8"))

However, typically you don't need to convert from QString to str yourself. Usually PyQt does the conversion automatically. The fact that you encounter a QString is strange. This is the underlying issue that needs to be investigated IHMO, the fixes above are just hacks around the actual problem.

I suspect that somewhere in the operatii module a QString is created explicitly. However, I cannot check this because I don't have the operatii module. You code example is not complete . Please read this post on how to make a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example . By posting an MCVE you will get you a lot more help in the future.

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