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Java regex : Case insensitive matching for non English characters

I am trying to perform case insensitive matching with Pattern and Matcher classes in Java, for Russian language. Below is the text:

"some text газированных напитков some other text"

Below is the Pattern I am using to match the text:

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?iu)\\b(" + Pattern.quote("напитки") + ")\\b", Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS);

I am expecting the following to return true as it's a case insensitive comparison ( напитки vs напитков ):

System.out.println(pattern.matcher("some text газированных напитков some other text").find());

But it always returns false . I have tried with other Pattern constants (like CASE_INSENSITIVE , UNICODE_CASE , CANON_EQ ), however, it still returns false .

Is there any way in Java to perform such comparison? Is it even possible at all?

Just add this option in your Pattern:


This worked in all my cases for cyrrilic. And I use it really extensively.

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