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VB.net Search for String in Array

trying to figure out how I can search for a string in my arrays. As of now, I only figured out how to search through integers. My array is like this:

Dim IDno() As String = {264, 951, 357}
Dim author() As String = {"Peter", "Nathan", "Sandy"}

So as of now, if someone types in the number 951, my listbox will display:

ID#: 951

Name: Nathan

I want to know how I can allow users to search for names instead and it will display the ID# and the Name.

You can do this using Array.FindIndex - Only if all values/IDs are going to be unique.

Something along the lines of this should do the trick for you.

Dim ind As Integer = Array.FindIndex(IDno, "yourID")
Dim name As String = author(ind)

I've not got VS to hand to test this but off the top of my head, that should work. Although, as I said, it's only going to work if all the ID numbers are unique. (And obviously replace "yourID" with the ID you're using).

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