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C#, How to compute an operation string

i have a string like that

str = "4975 + 10 * (LOG(250.6)) - 321.2"

i want to compute the result of this operation. Is there any sort way to do that?

// my operation just includes some of operators (,), +, -, *, / , ., 0-9, LOG
// '.' is used for double number

I believe this is what you are looking for.

Use this library will help you to perform math operations in string format

Add this package

Install-Package DynamicExpresso.Core

code example

public static void Main(string[] args)
            var interpreter = new Interpreter();
            var result = interpreter.Eval("4975 + 10 * (LOG(250.6)) - 321.2".Replace("LOG", "Math.Log"));

            Console.WriteLine("result=> " + result);

result=> 4709.03858042462

link for lib https://github.com/davideicardi/DynamicExpresso

Also answered here:


Try DataTable.Compute

I do not have a .net box lying around so I cannot confirm whether it can do log or not, but I have used it for long algebric expressions.

Basically this is how it goes:

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
var ans = dt.compute("5 + (7 - 9) / 3");

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