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Customizing HTML snippet in Python

If I have a HTML Snippet as below, how do I get the required output as below in python.

Sample HTML snippet:

<td width="10" class="data1"><a class="datalink" href="m01_detail.asp?key=002396653&amp;itemNumber=0">&gt;</a></td>

          <td class="data1"><a class="datalink" href="m01_detail.asp?key=002396653&amp;itemNumber=0">002396653</a></td>

          <td class="data1">IMPORT EXPRESS RECYCLE</td>

          <td class="data1">961879066</td>

        <td class="data1">11/23/2016</td>  

          <td class="data1"></td>        <!--SARA-->

          <td class="data1" align="center">CN</td>

          <td class="data1" align="center">PVG</td>



My Code so far:

    def reading():
    with open("C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\test.txt") as f:
        for lines in f.readlines():
            line = lines.replace("\t","").strip()
            print (line)




You can try below code to get required output:

import lxml.html

html = lxml.html.fromstring("""<td width="10" class="data1"><a class="datalink" href="m01_detail.asp?key=002396653&amp;itemNumber=0">&gt;</a></td>
<td class="data1"><a class="datalink" href="m01_detail.asp?key=002396653&amp;itemNumber=0">002396653</a></td>
<td class="data1">IMPORT EXPRESS RECYCLE</td>
<td class="data1">961879066</td>
<td class="data1">11/23/2016</td>
<td class="data1"></td>        <!--SARA-->
<td class="data1" align="center">CN</td>
<td class="data1" align="center">PVG</td>""")

output = html.xpath('concat(//td[4], "|", //td[7])')
print(output)  # '961879066|CN'

Pass original HTML code to html variable

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