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While running doxygen, “sh: doxypy: command not found” error is coming

I have installed doxygen 1.8.8 on my linux machine, and trying to run doxypy but seeing issue with it

[nipatel@caspgval4 docs]$ doxygen --version

[nipatel@caspgval4 docs]$ whereis doxypy
doxypy: /usr/bin/doxypy.py

[nipatel@caspgval4 docs]$ which doxypy
doxypy: Command not found.

While running doxygen, I see following error:

Reading /mypath/myfile.py...
sh: doxypy: command not found

PATH on the machine:

echo $PATH

Can someone let me know if I am missing anything here? How can I make doxypy command work? Do I need to add any PATH or something?

Maybe Your $PATH variable doesn't contain the default paths? echo $PATH should give something like:

[root@server ~]# echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin

If it's empty, You may set the PATH variable with this command

export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin"

我将/usr/bin/doxypy.py重命名为/usr/bin/doxypy ,它解决了该问题。

I suggest to not rename doxypy.py to doxypy .

Create a symbolic link: ln -s /usr/bin/doxypy.py /usr/bin/doxypy

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