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Importing CSV files into Postgres with datetime field that contains milliseconds?

I need to import a CSV file into Postgres (version 9.6.3) and I need help in understanding the best way to do this.

The formatting of the CSV is as is shown below and as well as understanding the best way to actually import the file, I am also unsure of the datatype I should use in the table for storing the 'time' field as it contains milliseconds and is formatted as 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS.MS'

2017.05.01 00:00:02.851,1.09062,1.09057,4.35,5.42
2017.05.01 00:00:03.368,1.09062,1.09058,3.22,1

I have the pgadmin client so could use that but I am also open to using raw SQL from the command line or using Python (Python 3.6) to create the table and import the data.

The files I would like to import range in size from 20mbs to hundreds of mbs in size so I would like to find the quickest method of doing this.

Any help or pointers are much appreciated.

Thank you!

Your table may look like this (choose one of the numeric types for the columns):

create table my_table(
    time timestamp, 
    col1 numeric, 
    col2 numeric, 
    col3 numeric, 
    col4 numeric);

Use copy command , eg:

copy my_table from '/data/my_file.csv' (format csv, header);

select * from my_table;

          time           |  col1   |  col2   | col3 | col4 
 2017-05-01 00:00:02.851 | 1.09062 | 1.09057 | 4.35 | 5.42
 2017-05-01 00:00:03.368 | 1.09062 | 1.09058 | 3.22 |    1
(2 rows)

If the file is very large you can import it to the unlogged table and after that alter table to logged (see alter table ). This can reduce the time of the import.

alter table my_table set unlogged;
copy my_table from '/data/my_file.csv' (format csv, header);
alter table my_table set logged;

The operating system user who owns Postgres must have read access to the file.

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